join the fight against inequality today

In an unequal world struck an unequal pandemic and left many to fight an unforeseen battle. During these tough times, Oxfam India has been on the ground and working to protect, preserve and save lives.

This is your chance to answer the call of empathy and walk in the shoes of those who fight discrimination everyday.

Your donation will help Oxfam India

  • Support and work with marginalised communities to find solutions to deep-rooted social and economic inequalities

  • Ensure each child gets good quality education by advocating for increased expenditure on government schools

  • Advocate to strengthen India’s public healthcare system for every person irrespective of their social and economic background

  • Save and rebuild lives of people facing disasters by providing relief and livelihood support

  • Research to find solid evidence to help the govt take inclusive policy decisions so that vulnerable can realise their rights and live with dignity

how donors like you brought change

80G Tax Benefits

Your contributions are eligible for up to 50% tax benefit under section 80G

In 2020-2021 Oxfam India reached out to 24.32 lakh people

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